The workshop was attended by the research team, business partners and the team from the innovations factory Creaholic SA.
The current phase of the project comprises the design and implementation of new product solutions. The latest research findings confirm the need to optimize vibration damping. The emphasis is on evaluating and optimizing the damping materials, testing new approaches to vibration prevention, as well as fastening technologies and transport monitoring.
During the ideas workshop, the implementation partners and the research group, together with the experienced innovators from Creaholic SA, Biel, employed creative and systematic procedures to identify a range of approaches to developing new product solutions.
All of the participants were very satisfied with the outcome. The business partners and research team saw the exchange of ideas and the teamwork as a rewarding challenge which was thought-provoking, constructive and helpful for the future course of the project.
(Photos: inside the premises of Creaholic SA, with Elmar Mock (top))
New product concepts: ideas workshop 1 at Creaholic SA ()